6. Dancing with Myself

When I meditate alone, I am opening only to my own energy stream. I think of it this way: if my personal energy stream is trickling all the time, when I meditate, I am opening the tap full blast. To me, the energy feels like nothing else I have ever known. If you have ever seen or felt waves of heat coming off the pavement on a hot day, it is a bit like that – except imagine the waves continuing to ripple through your body, making your tissue and bones feel pliant and amorphous. If you are a woman and have ever felt birthing contractions, and how your body is being opened and closed even when you are still, it is a little like that—minus the pain. I imagine it could be  like being deaf and feeling the beat of the music through your other senses. Imagine how the ocean undulates and imagine your body as a boat amongst that undulation, as you feel the rate and speed and height and depth of each wave. It is a bit like that. I feel energy shifts acutely now, which allows me to enter into meditation quickly. I sit with my spine straight and rest my hands in my lap. I close my eyes and think, “I open myself to love and light.” The minute I invite the light, my head begins to move slightly, as my physical body adjusts to the influx of faster energy waves which I have invited in. Sometimes my head waves, bobs back and forth, moves in a subtle circular motion, or makes what I think of as an infinity sign. The energy usually builds as I open more to it, and relax more into the waves. Literally, I can feel the wave motion move throughout my being, at faster or slow rates, depending on the day, my mood, my personal energy level and how open I am feeling. If I am clear and open, the rate of energy is very fast and smooth; if I am distracted or low, the waves are slow and plodding. At some point, which I can never predict, there is an alignment of my body and my higher self, and I tip over into timeless unawareness. I call it “clicking-in.” Oh, I might be conscious of a bird outside, or of someone coughing in the next room, but it is as if it is coming through thick walls of liquid. My self is boundless and huge, far beyond the container of my body, and I seem to exist in three dimensions all at once. For example, in our reality, my hands have a clear back and front, palm and knuckles, so to speak. When I am deep in meditation, my hands seem as if they can move at impossible angles and have no clear ending or beginning. What happens to my head is always fascinating to me. Sometimes, it feels as if my head is a computer and information is being downloaded into it during my session. Sometimes it seems as if my the top of my head, or crown chakra if you prefer, extends in and endless cone of light and tension up out of this reality into the unknown. Sometimes it feels as if my third eye, or the space between my eyebrows, is being pried open to it’s fullest. Sometimes it is as if my head is contracting and expanding, my sinuses begin to drain, or I sneeze multiple times in a row. And sometimes I have no memory whatsoever of the entire session, which can sometime be an hour or more. I am always gently brought back to myself and to my awareness at just the right time, feeling so nourished and full and loved, it is true bliss.