I have described a little of what it feels like to meditate alone and with others – and by meditation, I mean stilling myself with only the intention of listening to what it is time for my awareness to know. I sit knowing I am a vessel that will be filled - with what, I never can predict. Sometimes I am in need of healing or bolstering or my vibration may feel weak or I am going through some physical or mental crisis. Them I am simply flooded with peace and light and there is no “message” or information. Most of the time I am translating messages from higher vibrations; my analogy is right out of pop-culture, but it gives you a concrete image. Remember when Mike TV from the Willy Wonka film is “transmitted” across the top of the room in microscopic data bits and then reassembled – albeit tiny – on the other side of the room? For me, it is like that stream overhead - there is a constant stream of data flowing nearby in energetic form, and when I sit with the intention to blend with it, I get access. And yes, I translate it into much tinier form than it is conveyed to me. Because I am human and limited and a filter with only so much information, language and experience to access in my personal reference library, I cannot convey the grandness of what I hear, no matter how much I try. One of the things I do try to do, though is constantly expand my vocabulary and references through reading and listening, and observing, so they have more to work with. I have gotten used to all sorts of blending and data and downloads, but the weirdest and most interesting to me, actually, is when I translate for other human souls. Sometimes they have passed over, sometimes they have dementia or are in a coma, very rarely they are still fully alive and aware, but I have full on conversations with them on a variety of topics. Most of the time they drive the conversation; there is something they need to convey and I happen to be available. It is not as random as they were driving around the packed parking lot looking for an open space (i.e., me) but you know when you make yourself available as a translator, it is part and parcel that souls come looking for help.
It is a little sad to me how many people are only convinced if mediums talk in hyper-specifics because for the souls I talk to, they are so uninterested in minutiae. They do not want to talk about where the lost keys are or misplaced money or what you did with their clothes – although they know that is the only thing that is going to convince you, so they do. They want to talk about your soul growth and your challenges and choices they made and regrets and how to be more loving. Over and over they say, humans are born to learn as much as they can about love, let us help you to understand what it really means. Their emotion is so palpable, I am usually in tears. And yet, we persist in asking them lottery numbers