3. Syncing Up

It is a typical morning in my suburban home.  As my husband snores, the cat insistently paws me awake before dawn. I often accuse the cat of being my familiar; when I do, she just stares at me, bored at my lack of imagination, no doubt. I make my way down to the kitchen and begin my usual routine. I put on the coffee, and while I wait for it to brew, I let out the dog, bring in the paper and lay out breakfast things for our kids.  Then, mug in hand, I make my way to my study, sit down in my favorite chair, and while everyone is still asleep, I close my eyes and begin.

I greet them mentally, and immediately the pressure in my head changes, I am aware of a light source and my head starts to bob back and forth - tiny movements at first, then gradually expanding into larger circles until my head is smoothly moving in what I can only describe as infinity loops. Depending on the day, and my emotional state, this either goes on for a few seconds or a few minutes. If I am in a good mood, and feeling optimistic, then my vibration is high and fast and we can begin to converse right away. If I am down or tired, they need to bring me “up to speed,” so to speak, so that we can clearly communicate. Once my vibration is steady, my head stops, and I know it is time to receive. My team and I are in sync.

It is not prayer, for prayer is a generally framed as a request, or gratitude, or glorification.  What I do is more like a combination of roles: translator, secretary, pupil. I am a vessel. Every day, I receive information from what I will call spirit – the source of all life, all energy, all that is. Some prefer to use the term God. Allah, Buddha, Source, angels, energy, light, heat, sound. All are appropriate, all are accurate to a degree humanity can be accurate about something unknown, unseen, unquantifiable. What I mean is, we all tend to name things, ideas, concepts, whatever it may be, in an attempt to capture and control them. But you know that saying, the more you know the more you realize you don’t know? That certainly applies to me, to my understanding of source and love, and my spiritual evolution. So understand that from the beginning, please: I may talk to spirit, my friends, but I don’t know squat. None of us does, really, not while we are in our human suits, and basically, that’s the point. Embrace your ignorance and learn to love it.