Dear ones,
We feel your worry and fear over so many aspects of your lives this day. Know that from where we sit, from our greater perspective, all is well and all will be well, it will simply not be on the timeline that you would consider convenient. Life will slow for a while but not so long that you cannot recover. There will be losses and transitions, yes, but there will be gains in strength and clarity as well. It will be both, as it always is and has been. The virus is in fact illuminating shadows that need to come into the light. It is illuminating weaknesses that need to be strengthened, it is indicating nets that need to be repaired, it is drawing out the need for concern of one human being for another - human beings they have never met and will never meet. This is underlining that you are the human race, all are part of one network of cells and souls and all manner of visible and invisible transmission. There can be no more denying of this, certainly no more separation or tribalism or notions of superiority or inferiority. This is how some of you will remember, and some of you will begin to learn to take care of one another, not just those you have chosen as your special ones, no, but all souls, all faces, even those you disagree with or even denigrate. Pray not for you and yours but for all of creation. The earth does not distinguish one creature from the next, it does not grow food only for one color skin or for one country it simply provides if the natural conditions of water and sun are in balance. Think often of the earth and nature and balance these days; give thanks for all the visible and invisible ways in which the planet sustains life and that sometimes nature does overpower our desire for ultimate control. Discern what it is you can control: your behavior, your reactions what you apply your attention to, how you engage with others, your habits and attitudes, we suggest as we always do that gratitude is the pathway to ease make lists of gratitude's daily multiple times a day and elaborate on each of those items. Write an entire page about trees, trees, fond memories of trees, climbing them and enjoying their shade. And their fruit, their flowering… allow the details to emerge and blossom. Write pages about those who have loved you, write pages about the healers you have known human and otherwise; some of your greatest healers have paws and wings or are invisible. The invisible ones are reaching freedom back to you, reach out and you will feel their signal calling, calling for you. Gratitude and focused attention is how you hold yourself in balance during these days. If you decide to make bread, then only make bread. If you decide to have a conversation, only have the conversation. Keep yourselves in each moment. By doing that, you power up that moment with as much positive focus as you possibly can. Think of each positive activity as a battery that you can charge, to rev up your personal system for greater strength, and common endurance. Your electrical signal radiates in ways you cannot fathom. In the more challenging times, this is the role of meditation, of walks, of music, art, laughter, working in the garden, all ensuring your internal personal signal has plenty of reserves. And when you have reserves, all feel the impact.
The time is now.
The time is always now.
Do not project strongly into the future. Use the now to build your power of love. It is the antidote you all seek. You will know when the time to plan again arrives.