Message #2

Dear ones,

We are closer than ever to you, reach out to us, for we are reaching out to you. You are able to hear the broadcast of your own essential self, your home signal, much better when you were able to slow down and still yourself. Your home signal is where you will find comfort and nourishment and ease, much more so than any of the authority figures and experts or communication outlets. Everyone is trying to see the truth now and the truth cannot be seen, per se, it can only be felt. Feel into your truth. Become comfortable with a very different type of information source. This is the way through these times of confusion and chaos. There is no better way to manage this situation than become comfortable with your “self,” all that you are, all the capacities in yourself that have not developed because they were not “useful” to you. Now you will find and see the use of feeling for maintaining personal homeostasis. Monitor your personal “station”, your broadcast, your receiver, set up your filters. Sense what is best for you and set boundaries for what is not. This is not the time to be fully open and absorbing all kinds of material. Just as you eat and drink to build your health, just as you exercise and practice good hygiene to assure your health, you must do the same with information, vibration and emotion. You must attend to the needs of your vibrational system as equally as any other. Limit the updates, the conversations, the people that make you feel your gut churn and your breath constrict. A new definition of smart must emerge from this situation. Of course there is much practical work to be done, but to do it well  and efficiently, one must be present. Breathe, get present and do it. And get present and do it, over and over again. There are those who would make you feel responsible for their emotional response, their mood, their health, their happiness. This is challenging, but you must find a centering point in these relationships. You can have compassion, but not take responsibility. This is of utmost importance. Each person must be responsible for their own signal. This does not mean denial, it means picturing that one small light changes a dark room. Simply keep your light meter operating more frequently than the dark one. For every two fearful thoughts, add one of gratitude and light. This is how this is defeated. Acknowledge the negative thoughts but end with a positive. All must be incorporated. All must be embraced. This is not the time for blame or superiority. This is not the time for further separation. It will be later demonstrated that any form of meditative focus on an evolved healing of the world makes a difference. We know it impacts outcome. We see the love working its way into the shadows. We know that the unseen is a more powerful force than the scene. Will you employ it? Will you engage? Will you try? It is the control all of you are looking for. It is the way have the impact you desire. Understand that your personal envisioning of the highest and best outcome matters enormously. This is the time to believe you can direct outcomes. Believe.

 We are a thought away.
