Dear ones,
We feel your anxiety and while we cannot join you at that level we pull you constantly towards us, to a place of wise and calm knowing that all is well. All is well, all is always well, despite the day-to-day sufferings you experience, observe and acknowledge in each other. In desperate times before some have turned to spirit, finally. There are documentations of this throughout your history, of those who have felt as if they were on an island in the midst of a sea raging all around them. It is not that they pleaded with divinity to save them, it is that they recognized their own spiritual nature, their own capacity to control their emotions and mental homeostasis. We urge you to look within, and when it fails, try again and again and again. You are your best and truly own personal resource with your own spirit, your own team. We can remind and encourage and support. We can inspire and guide, but you must be the decider, you must decide, yes, I am going to be responsible for my own vibration and examined my own nature and my own conclusions and mental habits, for that which keeps me from believing in my personal power. One who is awake is more powerful than hundreds who are not. What is it to be awake? It is to recognize the power of the moment, it is to resist projections of blame or anger or judgment until you have examined your own mental hygiene on these matters. In other words, what are you contributing to the mass consciousness? In what way could your attitude towards yourself and all of those close to you use some attending to? What are you afraid of? What events, what losses, who do you blame for holding you back, denying you, preventing you, injuring you? But the fear is real! you say. These things did happen, they have hurt me! People have hurt me! Life has hurt me! Yes, we say, but separate yesterday from now. Yesterday, or a decade ago or five decades ago. Are you still keeping those hurts and sorrows and losses and griefs alive? How can you release them from your vibration forever? It is very popular now for humans to detoxify their bodies, but it is more important to detoxify your mind and your heart. What is detoxification process for the body? Stopping the usual input habits and content and only feeding the body clear, clear, pure foods. Do the same for the mind and emotions. Stop the usual obsessions and clean out that which is keeping your system from running optimally. It may take multiple tries, but write out the hurts and fears and losses in passionate detail and burn them, bury them in the earth, be willing to live without them anymore. Be willing to live without your history. Every hour is a fresh hour. Start again as many times a day as you can. Those old thoughts, those fears and hurts and angers weaken your immune system, they impact your cells ability to function at the most efficient level possible. We are saying that if you want to do your part to help humanity right now, start releasing what is clogging up your own personal system. The virus provokes fear for a reason, if nothing else, address it and tend to the fear, do not shove it back down again. Release the same thoughts you know do you no good and fill the space with love, replace them with images of color, light, strength, love, joy and peace. We know that many will doubt this methodology. All we can say is try it. Try it and observe your results. We will speak more specifically about how to do this in other messages, but for today we urge you to consider noticing all that holds you back from being whole and satisfied. It may be a long list, however even in the listing the healing momentum will have begun. Remember healing one heals all. This is a law of creation. Yes, you are all one.
Find the love in everything