Message #6

Dear ones,

It is a time of ascension. It is a time of sorting. It is a time of deciding what works for you and what works against you. Do not be passive during these weeks. Do not simply accept what it is you are being told. Decide what it is that you want to be shown and look for it. We do not wish to tell you what to want. That is part of the ascension process. It is a uniquely personal thing. It is humbling, we feel, to be asked how it should be for humans but, in truth, we have not been human so we cannot incorporate all the subtleties that you would consider. We can pull you towards your high level desires - peace and prosperity, abundance and health and love - but what each of these would specifically look, feel, sound and be like is up to you. You pick the ingredients, we simply offer a recipe. We all know you want to eat a different meal than the reality being served, so begin by choosing different ingredients. Have you been cooking the meals of your ancestors? Have you been cooking the food of your mother, your father, of your tribe? Food others have told you is right for you? The metaphor perhaps feels superficial, but all can relate to it. Sort through all that has been handed to you as “true,” “good,” “right,” “wrong,” and “worthy,” and decide for yourself in your gut, your heart, your body , your spirit if indeed each is true for you . Ascension is the most personal process possible. It requires discipline like you have never employed. But the view, oh the view, once achieved is spectacular and well worth the effort.

We urge you to start.
