Message # 7

Dear ones ,

 We witness all of your efforts to find your inner resources at this time, and we applaud you. It is of the utmost importance in these days of uncertainty to find the certainty and stability within yourself. It may only be as simple as honoring your heart for its loyal beating, the consistency of your breath, the ability to see, to hear, to speak. These are not small things to honor, they are essentials that are often overlooked. There is a relationship between fear and the lungs and we suggest you notice and attend to that relationship more than ever right now. This is a time to be grateful for the small things and to acknowledge that they're not small at all. Throw in deeply on the details of each item on your list. If you find an Apple in your home and you decide to eat it, as you eat it, honor the steadfastness of the tree that grew it, of the sun and rain that nurtured it, of the farmer that protected it, selected it, cleaned it the trucks that transported it, and the staff that unpacked it and stocked it at the store. Thank each of those links in the chain. If you follow this methodology for every aspect of your life, you will be overwhelmed with appreciation for all kinds of people and processes - and in this way you increase the light in connection that supports all life. Consider all that must be in place for you to enjoy the technologies you are utilizing so much more now, as well as the face-to -ace systems, structures and institutions you so rapidly missed once you could no longer access them. If you truly wish to help and support humanity right now, do this exercise once or twice a day. Allow your attention to rest on an object in your home, a service, a person, a business that you use and appreciate . . . imagine all that it took for it to exist and get to you. And if you do this with a sense of awe, wonder and gratitude, it is the equivalent of injecting fresh air into the entire human lung system. Try it ,and be sensitive to what you feel afterwards. You will be pleasantly rewarded.



In light, Adea