Message # 7

Dear ones ,

 We witness all of your efforts to find your inner resources at this time, and we applaud you. It is of the utmost importance in these days of uncertainty to find the certainty and stability within yourself. It may only be as simple as honoring your heart for its loyal beating, the consistency of your breath, the ability to see, to hear, to speak. These are not small things to honor, they are essentials that are often overlooked. There is a relationship between fear and the lungs and we suggest you notice and attend to that relationship more than ever right now. This is a time to be grateful for the small things and to acknowledge that they're not small at all. Throw in deeply on the details of each item on your list. If you find an Apple in your home and you decide to eat it, as you eat it, honor the steadfastness of the tree that grew it, of the sun and rain that nurtured it, of the farmer that protected it, selected it, cleaned it the trucks that transported it, and the staff that unpacked it and stocked it at the store. Thank each of those links in the chain. If you follow this methodology for every aspect of your life, you will be overwhelmed with appreciation for all kinds of people and processes - and in this way you increase the light in connection that supports all life. Consider all that must be in place for you to enjoy the technologies you are utilizing so much more now, as well as the face-to -ace systems, structures and institutions you so rapidly missed once you could no longer access them. If you truly wish to help and support humanity right now, do this exercise once or twice a day. Allow your attention to rest on an object in your home, a service, a person, a business that you use and appreciate . . . imagine all that it took for it to exist and get to you. And if you do this with a sense of awe, wonder and gratitude, it is the equivalent of injecting fresh air into the entire human lung system. Try it ,and be sensitive to what you feel afterwards. You will be pleasantly rewarded.



In light, Adea

Message #6

Dear ones,

It is a time of ascension. It is a time of sorting. It is a time of deciding what works for you and what works against you. Do not be passive during these weeks. Do not simply accept what it is you are being told. Decide what it is that you want to be shown and look for it. We do not wish to tell you what to want. That is part of the ascension process. It is a uniquely personal thing. It is humbling, we feel, to be asked how it should be for humans but, in truth, we have not been human so we cannot incorporate all the subtleties that you would consider. We can pull you towards your high level desires - peace and prosperity, abundance and health and love - but what each of these would specifically look, feel, sound and be like is up to you. You pick the ingredients, we simply offer a recipe. We all know you want to eat a different meal than the reality being served, so begin by choosing different ingredients. Have you been cooking the meals of your ancestors? Have you been cooking the food of your mother, your father, of your tribe? Food others have told you is right for you? The metaphor perhaps feels superficial, but all can relate to it. Sort through all that has been handed to you as “true,” “good,” “right,” “wrong,” and “worthy,” and decide for yourself in your gut, your heart, your body , your spirit if indeed each is true for you . Ascension is the most personal process possible. It requires discipline like you have never employed. But the view, oh the view, once achieved is spectacular and well worth the effort.

We urge you to start.


Message # 5

Dear ones,

When we discuss detoxification, we are talking about a cleansing of accumulated biases and beliefs and habits that do not serve you. Some teachers say “do not serve you any longer,” but we say, it will not ever serve the children of now. The process for each person will be different and distinct. While it may serve one to believe in drinking lots of water, another person may be better served by drinking less, or drinking juice. This is the key to all that we are encouraging in you. There is not one set of rules, beliefs, processes and habits that serve all. It has been the downfall of the age of christianity and industrialization that there has been the idea of a general solution for everyone. All of your structures and institutions that frustrate you are based on the concept that there is a set of common denominators and principles that serve all. Life is not meant to be a set of common denominators. It is meant to be a shared experience, yes, but a sharing of choices, a sharing of insights, a sharing of solutions. The idea of a large market where each of you gets to choose what you need and what you want is for more accurate to the evolution of the human race than the chain restaurant that serves the same few things all over the world. You would not like it if someone decided what groceries you get and then just dropped him off at your door whenever it was convenient for them. One week all you would get his turnips, another week of only soap - and you would never know when it was coming. Why do you so readily accept the information, beliefs and norms that are delivered to you? is “the way things are,” is “reality” truly the best you feel humanity can do? Do you truly believe that you can do no better than what you see on the news and in the reports? What if you harnessed the energy expended on bemoaning the state of the world and poured it into positive envisioning? What if your children learned to harness the energy of positive visioning before they learned their ABC’s? Is this something you can try to imagine? We tell you, dear ones, that there is far more capacity in the human cellular system than you are seeing. There is far more you are capable of learning, doing and experiencing. We do not even like to use the word “potential” because it is already within you. It is already within your DNA. The problem is that you do not see enough examples of humans using these capacities. They are here, they are using them, they are making miracles happen and yet they are not in positions of power or celebrity. They are not highly visible. They are quietly working their magic in all corners of the earth. This is the start of their time. Look for them. How else did you think human beings would evolve? Create more tools or systems or to learn that they are the ultimate tool themselves?  Look for the guides and teachers and true influencers of the next generations. they will model the power of positive belief.

We leave you with one question to ponder. What would you like to see in your lifetime?

 Breathe, and know we hear you.


Message #4

Dear ones,


Take a deep breath. Go ahead. And now another. And another. This is how you proceed at the moment, inch by inch. Breath is life, breath is inspiration. Do not look beyond your next breath for a few times each day. Count to 5 on the inhale, 5 on the exhale. Do this 20 times and then assess your system. Did you forget all but your breath for a few seconds? Good. All it takes is a few seconds of forgetting your habits of being to reset your system. Yes, breathe to reboot. To detox. Turn off the computer of your scanning system for a few seconds at a time, a few times a day. You are always scanning for danger, you know; it is one of the unevolved features of the animal system you inhabit. You are so used to it, you are unaware you are in scan mode until you have a big fright or urgent matter to attend to - and then you know that you clench and hold on, or panic and run. But you do this on a micro level almost constantly when you are conscious. It is why so many of you report the odd or intriguing nature of your dreams; your defenses are down and so more information and images can move through your system as another method of detox. So, as we discussed in a prior message, this is the time to take this idea of emotional and mental detox seriously. As part of that detox, notice the times you do not like what is happening in you or around you. Take note of what it is you do not like and the method you employ to control it, stop it ignore it, make better, make it more bearable and so forth. For example, if you see disturbing news reports, do you blame others, curse, insult, stop breathing, hunch your shoulders, start planning, research and obsess for hours, pace, turn to a comedy show say it's not true, say it's exaggerated, cry, sit in a dark room, unable to move, stop eating, over-eat, drink too much, etc. Notice your reaction and notice where you feel it most in your body Journal about this type of reaction and when you first started to act this way. List other times you have reacted this way and perhaps people who contributed to you reacting this way - either through modeling this behavior or you trying to do the opposite of what they were doing. This is profound, deep and useful work: understanding how you react to situations you cannot control? List other situations you could not control in your life. Mourn them, grieve them, accept them and then allow them to dissolve forever – in that order. Say goodbye to all the reasons why you cannot be fully open, fully present to each moment, present enough to feel the emotion, but let the emotion pass through you and not get caught and clogged up because of your filter of past experiences. It is like you create math formulas for yourselves keep you stuck: when X happens, I do Y, so my emotional state is Z. Perhaps this is the time to change that formula, change the rules of your own behavior. What will happen is you will discover all the reserves, the inspiration, the problem-solving, ultimately the energy that you require to respond to this moment for the highest best good. You will discover all that you never knew you had access to. It would be like finding a whole map of territory where you thought there was only one path you could take. Explore the new routes on the map, explore new responses, different ways of being. This is a perfect time to experiment with adjusting your typical reactions. Reactions are based on beliefs, none of them are fated. You decide to live in a certain box of attitudes and beliefs; now you can decide to explore outside that box. What is it that you want to believe? Not what others tell you is reasonable or preferable, but discern what is it you want to believe and adjust your responses accordingly. One must believe it to experience it, not the other way around. We want you to perceive how much mass consciousness impacts and infects your belief system. You do get to choose. Are you ready to choose?

 The world is what you make it, so make it anew.

In love,


Message #3

Dear ones,


We feel your anxiety and while we cannot join you at that level we pull you constantly towards us, to a place of wise and calm knowing that all is well. All is well, all is always well, despite the day-to-day sufferings you experience, observe and acknowledge in each other. In desperate times before some have turned to spirit, finally. There are documentations of this throughout your history, of those who have felt as if they were on an island in the midst of a sea raging all around them. It is not that they pleaded with divinity to save them, it is that they recognized their own spiritual nature, their own capacity to control their emotions and mental homeostasis. We urge you to look within, and when it fails, try again and again and again. You are your best and truly own personal resource with your own spirit, your own team. We can remind and encourage and support. We can inspire and guide, but you must be the decider, you must decide, yes, I am going to be responsible for my own vibration and examined my own nature and my own conclusions and mental habits, for that which keeps me from believing in my personal power. One who is awake is more powerful than hundreds who are not. What is it to be awake? It is to recognize the power of the moment, it is to resist projections of blame or anger or judgment until you have examined your own mental hygiene on these matters. In other words, what are you contributing to the mass consciousness? In what way could your attitude towards yourself and all of those close to you use some attending to? What are you afraid of? What events, what losses, who do you blame for holding you back, denying you, preventing you, injuring you? But the fear is real! you say. These things did happen, they have hurt me! People have hurt me! Life has hurt me! Yes, we say, but separate yesterday from now. Yesterday, or a decade ago or five decades ago. Are you still keeping those hurts and sorrows and losses and griefs alive? How can you release them from your vibration forever? It is very popular now for humans to detoxify their bodies, but it is more important to detoxify your mind and your heart. What is detoxification process for the body? Stopping the usual input habits and content and only feeding the body clear, clear, pure foods. Do the same for the mind and emotions. Stop the usual obsessions and clean out that which is keeping your system from running optimally. It may take multiple tries, but write out the hurts and fears and losses in passionate detail and burn them, bury them in the earth, be willing to live without them anymore. Be willing to live without your history. Every hour is a fresh hour. Start again as many times a day as you can. Those old thoughts, those fears and hurts and angers weaken your immune system, they impact your cells ability to function at the most efficient level possible. We are saying that if you want to do your part to help humanity right now, start releasing what is clogging up your own personal system. The virus provokes fear for a reason, if nothing else, address it and tend to the fear, do not shove it back down again. Release the same thoughts you know do you no good and fill the space with love, replace them with images of color, light, strength, love, joy and peace. We know that many will doubt this methodology. All we can say is try it. Try it and observe your results. We will speak more specifically about how to do this in other messages, but for today we urge you to consider noticing all that holds you back from being whole and satisfied. It may be a long list, however even in the listing the healing momentum will have begun. Remember healing one heals all. This is a law of creation. Yes, you are all one.

 Find the love  in everything


Message #2

Dear ones,

We are closer than ever to you, reach out to us, for we are reaching out to you. You are able to hear the broadcast of your own essential self, your home signal, much better when you were able to slow down and still yourself. Your home signal is where you will find comfort and nourishment and ease, much more so than any of the authority figures and experts or communication outlets. Everyone is trying to see the truth now and the truth cannot be seen, per se, it can only be felt. Feel into your truth. Become comfortable with a very different type of information source. This is the way through these times of confusion and chaos. There is no better way to manage this situation than become comfortable with your “self,” all that you are, all the capacities in yourself that have not developed because they were not “useful” to you. Now you will find and see the use of feeling for maintaining personal homeostasis. Monitor your personal “station”, your broadcast, your receiver, set up your filters. Sense what is best for you and set boundaries for what is not. This is not the time to be fully open and absorbing all kinds of material. Just as you eat and drink to build your health, just as you exercise and practice good hygiene to assure your health, you must do the same with information, vibration and emotion. You must attend to the needs of your vibrational system as equally as any other. Limit the updates, the conversations, the people that make you feel your gut churn and your breath constrict. A new definition of smart must emerge from this situation. Of course there is much practical work to be done, but to do it well  and efficiently, one must be present. Breathe, get present and do it. And get present and do it, over and over again. There are those who would make you feel responsible for their emotional response, their mood, their health, their happiness. This is challenging, but you must find a centering point in these relationships. You can have compassion, but not take responsibility. This is of utmost importance. Each person must be responsible for their own signal. This does not mean denial, it means picturing that one small light changes a dark room. Simply keep your light meter operating more frequently than the dark one. For every two fearful thoughts, add one of gratitude and light. This is how this is defeated. Acknowledge the negative thoughts but end with a positive. All must be incorporated. All must be embraced. This is not the time for blame or superiority. This is not the time for further separation. It will be later demonstrated that any form of meditative focus on an evolved healing of the world makes a difference. We know it impacts outcome. We see the love working its way into the shadows. We know that the unseen is a more powerful force than the scene. Will you employ it? Will you engage? Will you try? It is the control all of you are looking for. It is the way have the impact you desire. Understand that your personal envisioning of the highest and best outcome matters enormously. This is the time to believe you can direct outcomes. Believe.

 We are a thought away.


Message #1, March 2020

Dear ones,

We feel your worry and fear over so many aspects of your lives this day. Know that from where we sit, from our greater perspective, all is well and all will be well, it will simply not be on the timeline that you would consider convenient. Life will slow for a while but not so long that you cannot recover. There will be losses and transitions, yes, but there will be gains in strength and clarity as well. It will be both, as it always is and has been. The virus is in fact illuminating shadows that need to come into the light. It is illuminating weaknesses that need to be strengthened, it is indicating nets that need to be repaired, it is drawing out the need for concern of one human being for another - human beings they have never met and will never meet. This is underlining that you are the human race, all are part of one network of cells and souls and all manner of visible and invisible transmission. There can be no more denying of this, certainly no more separation or tribalism or notions of superiority or inferiority. This is how some of you will remember, and some of you will begin to learn to take care of one another, not just those you have chosen as your special ones, no, but all souls, all faces, even those you disagree with or even denigrate. Pray not for you and yours but for all of creation. The earth does not distinguish one creature from the next, it does not grow food only for one color skin or for one country it simply provides if the natural conditions of water and sun are in balance. Think often of the earth and nature and balance these days; give thanks for all the visible and invisible ways in which the planet sustains life and that sometimes nature does overpower our desire for ultimate control. Discern what it is you can control: your behavior, your reactions what you apply your attention to, how you engage with others, your habits and attitudes, we suggest as we always do that gratitude is the pathway to ease make lists of gratitude's daily multiple times a day and elaborate on each of those items. Write an entire page about trees, trees, fond memories of trees, climbing them and enjoying their shade. And their fruit, their flowering… allow the details to emerge and blossom. Write pages about those who have loved you, write pages about the healers you have known human and otherwise; some of your greatest healers have paws and wings or are invisible. The invisible ones are reaching freedom back to you, reach out and you will feel their signal calling, calling for you. Gratitude and focused attention is how you hold yourself in balance during these days. If you decide to make bread, then only make bread. If you decide to have a conversation, only have the conversation. Keep yourselves in each moment. By doing that, you power up that moment with as much positive focus as you possibly can. Think of each positive activity as a battery that you can charge, to rev up your personal system for greater strength, and common endurance. Your electrical signal radiates in ways you cannot fathom. In the more challenging times, this is the role of meditation, of walks, of music, art, laughter, working in the garden, all ensuring your internal personal signal has plenty of reserves. And when you have reserves, all feel the impact.

The time is now.

The time is always now.

Do not project strongly into the future. Use the now to build your power of love. It is the antidote you all seek. You will know when the time to plan again arrives.